About Meraki Flair
Welcome to my life!!
Here is where the journey all started... In 2013 I had one son and was in beauty school and wanted to do something fun but help in adding income so i started a business strictly through Facebook with accessories only. While In beauty school I became pregnant with my second son, finished school and started working in a salon. I displayed my accessories there.
I always had the dream of owning a full service salon that was a one stop shop. I relocated and added more as I went. Fast forward to 2017 while pregnant with our third ( and last!!), I had a terrible pregnancy. She nearly took us both out while making her grand entrance 2 months early.
I realized I was not living my dream. Life is to short for all that!! The good lord had a plan and it was one I was excited for!!.. In November of 2017 I dove head first into a new location 3 times the size of my current one. My husband thought I was crazy of course, but after our blood sweat and tears I now have a salon and boutique!!
Meraki Is a Greek word that means to do something with soul creativity and love- when you leave a piece of yourself in your work and that is where I got the new name MERAKI FLAIR!! That is exactly what I hope for when you shop with us That we can share some of our soul creativity and love with you to make your experience with us unforgettable!!
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find something ya love and just can't live without!
~ Cassie